
Are you passionate about taking action and making a positive impact on the world through global fellowship programs to empower people? We are! Check out our open positions and let’s find out what we can DO together!

Open Positions

Regional Program Manager, Africa (m/w/d)

In this role, you would co-design and deliver Local and Regional Programming for a yearlong hybrid fellowship program for up to 1,000 youth around the world with a passion to protect their natural ecosystems. Programming would include annual Regional Summits, and online and in-person local hub chapters and events to connect fellows and help them accelerate their projects with their communities.

Controller (m/w/d)

Als Controller spielst du eine zentrale Rolle bei der Sicherstellung der finanziellen Stabilität und Nachhaltigkeit unserer Organisation. Du bist mitverantwortlich für die Budgetierung und laufende Finanzplanung, das Controlling und Reporting, sowohl intern als auch an externe Stakeholder, einschließlich Spendern.



Katherin Kirschenmann is founder and Chief Program Officer of The DO. In the past years she has built and worked in partnership with major institutions and corporations, including IKEA, H&M, the Deutsche Bahn, Unilever, the Hong Kong Jockey Club and various UN organizations.

Katherin is an international speaker, executive facilitator, and TV host with Deutsche Welle. She draws on her wide international experience across sectors to develop new ways to co-create innovation, develop Purposeful DOers, and impact entrepreneurs. Engagements under her leadership have empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to create meaningful innovation and lasting social change.

Before founding The DO, Katherin gained 10 years of experience in consulting as well as the inter-governmental and non-profit sector